Friday, August 31, 2018

Hot Sun, Late Sun: Van Gogh and Picasso

Since its inauguration in 2014, the Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles has presented works by the great masters of painting—foremost among them being Vincent van Gogh, whose work underpins the direction of our program. However, while Vincent will be present once again, this upcoming exhibition is driven by the work of another great painter in modern art, Pablo Picasso. 

Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh: an extraordinary dialogue delving into the major influence of the Dutch painter on Picasso, who considered him the “greatest of all”; just this would have sufficed. But Hot Sun, Late Sun is a thematic exhibition, weaving an intricate conversation highlighting the intersections between practices— between Pablo Picasso and Sigmar Polke for one, but also between Alexander Calder, Adolphe Monticelli, Giorgio de Chirico and Vincent van Gogh. Hot Sun, Late Sun will feature a number of rare loans, which we are proud to present to the public  until 28 October 2018.

Vincent van Gogh, Crâne, Paris, mai 1887.jpg 

Vincent van Gogh, Crâne, Paris, mai 1887
Vincent van Gogh, Champ aux meules de blés, 1890.jpg

Vincent van Gogh, Champ aux meules de blés, 1890.
Vincent van Gogh-Moissonenprovence-1888.jpg

Vincent van Gogh-Moissonenprovence-1888


Picasso-Têted'hommeauchapeaudepaille,1971© Succession Picasso 2018.jpg

Picasso-Tête d'homme au chapeau de paille, 1971-© Succession Picasso 2018
Picasso-Paysage,1972-© Succession Picasso 2018-HD.jpg
Picasso-Paysage, 1972-© Succession Picasso 2018